25 Sweet Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend

 What are your feelings about our first kiss?
 What is the sexiest thing about me?
 Describe your idea of a perfect night together.

 How do you want the wedding to be?
 What is your idea of being happily married?
 What is it I have to do to keep you in my life forever?
 If you have to be in a long distance relationship, are you willing to fight it out?
 Who would be your dream date?

 What are your romantic fantasies?
 Which song comes to your mind and heart, while you think of me?
 By what time would you want me to be back from work?
 What are the things that remind you of me?
 Which is the one flaw in me that you hate the most and want me to correct?

 Do I make you happy?
 Did you take anyone's help to figure out how to ask me out on a date? (if she has asked you out)
 What kind of lingerie do you like?
 When exactly did you fall in love with me?
 How many kids would you like to have?

 If I don't express it to you, how do you know that I want to make love?
 What would you like me to call you?
 Do you feel comfortable in initiating sex?
 What did you think about me when you first saw me?
 Do you believe that I am your soulmate?

 How can I make you feel more special?


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